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  • You Call, I'll Knock in Swing States

You Call, I'll Knock in Swing States

Day One In Philly

Good evening friends!

I just finished a long day canvassing in the birthplace of our nation.

Given that our country is a coin flip from electing a fascistic rapist whose own cabinet says much the same of him, and who will have far fewer guardrails this time if he gains power, and that I have a friend here I can stay with, I thought—why not take a week off work and put my campaigning skills to use in the state most likely to decide the outcome of the election?

It turns out that door knocking is good for getting out the vote and I have a weirdly well-developed wellspring of door-knocking stamina. It’s also a great way to stop wringing my hands and reclaim a modicum of agency.

The first shift started at nine and I went hard until dusk, except for a lunch break. I think I hit about 120 doors.

(Please join me by making phone calls for Harris! I challenge you to do as many calls as I do doors! Feel free to email me to tell me how it goes!)

I also had a buddy—it was her first time canvassing and she wanted some training for twenty or thirty doors. That was perfect, since I did that with many of my volunteers. She was wonderful—she’s written 5000 postcards (yes, 5000!) this year for candidates, having just retired. And despite her congenital hip problem, she canvassed as hard and fast as I did for about six hours before she tired. Honestly, she was so inspiring to me. She also lent me sunglasses because I forgot mine in soggy Seattle. (After trick or treating with my kids a few nights ago, I thought I’d never see the sun again!).

Together we tackled about 190 doors and I made a friend.

I’m canvassing in a working-class neighborhood that also seems to have significant poverty. It’s fantastically diverse—with so many immigrants, and lots of wonderful multigenerational families. And at least my experience was that it was also fantastically friendly, despite many rough stories shared too. It was so friendly, in fact, that a Guatemalan family was making street tacos on their lawn (they do this every week!) and insisted that I stop and eat. My two years of high school Spanish has gotten pretty mal, but it was delightful to be with them.

It’s a Harris neighborhood, that’s for sure, and people are fired up and ready to go. That’s not to say it is all smooth sailing, but it was an encouraging day.

And how about that Ann Selzer poll!? (For those of you who are not terminally political, she is famously one of the best in the country, often breaks with others and when doing so tends to spot trends others do not. Her poll puts Harris ahead in conservative Iowa, where Selzer is the unchallenged best. If she is right, the implications re: women and re: mid-westerners are wonderful!).

Before getting too excited, I think Dan Pfeiffer (Obama’s somewhat curmudgeonly Communication’s Chief) has the right take:

Still, I have to confess that this my favorite take of the night on the Selzer poll:

So, will you join me tomorrow by phone banking!

Avengers! Assemble!

(Yes, it’s a ridiculous, corny, canned, pandering blockbuster and YES I cried. Obvi).