Never Forget

January 6th

Four years ago, then-President Donald Trump incited a violent insurrection at the US Capitol, after his other fraud-driven coup attempts had failed.

This short video (warning—it’s disturbing) is a chilling reminder of the violence and complete contempt for our country and our freedom shown by MAGA that day.

This time, real Americans will not try to violently overthrow our most recent election, however ugly and unjust its results. That’s because the actual patriots—the real Americans—are the ones that lost this time.

We must never forget what they did to our country, never forget that they fought violently for a man who lied, cheated, stole and sexually assaulted his way to the top. Never forget that these people—who hate our freedom so much—were willing to flush the American republic down the toilet for their charlatan in a red hat.

Now comes the time for what will certainly be exhausting years of vigilance. We cannot protect the people we love and live alongside with capitulation and cooperation.

Opposition will come in many forms—but it will come as long as we are willing to stand up.

I hope you will join me.