I Was on NPR/KUOW's Week In Review

Inslee's Wealth Tax, Seattle Police Chiefs, Safety on Public Transportation, and more.

The host, I’m sure many of you know, is Bill Radke, and I had a delightful time for my first visit. I sat around the table with Patrick Malone, a senior investigative reporter from the Seattle Times, and Saul Gamoran, who chaired Nikki Haley’s campaign in Washington State.

The YouTube version. You can watch at up to 2x speed. It’s much easier to do so with headphones.

We talked about a host of interesting topics:

  • The firing of Seattle Police Chief Adrian Diaz, along with the chronic issues in the Seattle Police Department, the question of cops in schools, and the incoming Police Chief

  • Governor Inslee’s wealth tax proposal and the state budget deficit

  • The tragic murder of a bus driver on a King County bus, the issue of whether public transit is safe, and how best to protect operators and the public from violence

  • Shoreline and Bellingham’s recent steps to eliminate the parking mandates that are currently the standard around the state

  • The closing of a local newspaper in rural Washington

  • Efforts to address graffiti in Seattle by charging people as felons

It was a delightful way to spend part of my Friday. It should show up on your KUOW/Week in Review podcast feeds any day too if you prefer to listen that way.