Day Three In The Keystone State

Go Faster

All Gas, No Brakes, No Breaks

This morning I got out just a little bit late and didn’t count on Monday morning commuters. Google routed me around a big traffic jam through a very Trumpy area and all the MAGA signs lit the requisite fire underneath me for my canvassing day.

Today the vibe was good. It might have been the neighborhood. Certainly there is nothing representative about me canvassing in a corner of the city. But people’s heads are in the right space, and the Harris voters are fired up, and the women are ensuring that their households vote. And the young men who have seemed into Trump are more and more saying they are voting for Kamala.

I know it’s completely anecdotal (and yes, I would never base public policy on anecdote), but my experience today was very encouraging.

Also, I had a new record, 200 doors!

Fun, Sweet, Inspiring.

I know many people saw Saturday Day Nigh Live’s cold open with Kamala Harris, but if you didn’t, I recommend it.


Tonight I had a chance to try to get into a rally that included lady Gaga, Ricky Martin, Kamala Harris, and some others. It would have been extremely fun, if a bit exhausting on top of my long days on the trail.

But I instead opted for dinner with an old friend. And last night I had dinner with a different old friend. Both of these were wonderful. I also spent at least an hour on the phone with my wife and a while with my boys too. A few days of family life is a lot to miss, and I was able to move past updates and really get back into the middle of things. They needed it and so did I.

In the coming hours, please do your part, of course—vote, get your swing state people to vote the right way if you can, and if you have any space to volunteer, do.

But also, where your ability to do something ceases, stop refreshing the polls and news-sites. If you can find something nourishing and grounding, do it. Exercise, read, play music, meditate, pray. Be with the people you love. Even if the topic with others unavoidably going to turn to the election—at least do it in loving community if you have that available.

If you can’t think of anything else, find something extremely entertaining on Netflix. Sometimes distraction is the best medicine.

This election and its drama are likely to last for days—save your energy, get your feet strong under you, and let’s go save the damn country. And if, God forbid, this doesn’t go how it should—well, we’ll need to have our feet planted firmly under us to face the future courageously.

And together—because that is how we are going to do this.
